Term Loan
Term Loan
If you have been in business for at least 2 years, have strong credit profile and are looking to gain a well structured loan for 1-5 years then a Term loan may be right for your business. Term loans can usually range between $50,000 to $1 million. We give you an experienced team to help you navigate through the complexities of the loan and get you the best possible deal.
- Free search feature
- No obligation
- No impact on credit score to search rates
- Quick online decision
- Receive funds quickly and easily
Minimum Qualifications
- 2 years time in business
- 680+ Fico score
- $50,000 a month in revenue
What You Need
- Application
- Last 6 months of business bank statements
- Last 2 Years Taxes and Current P&L Balance Sheet
Loan Parameters
- Loan amount from $50,000 to $1 Million
- Terms from 1 year to 5+ years
- Rates from 6-13% based on financials
- Funding timeline is 5-7 business days
Save time and money.
Get exactly what you need from one trusted partner.
Nexus Business Funding has the experience to partner with you every step of the way to get total financing coverage for your business needs.